The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Tuesday, October 15, 2002  

Fast and Furious Blogging

At least the editors of Salon don’t have the gall to put this crap behind the “premium” barrier. You know, $30 can buy, like, maybe four drinks if you don’t leave a tip. And that “e-book” by John Dean about Deep Throat was a complete rip-off, too.


Remind me again why I subscribe to Harper’s? Oh, yeah, it’s because that “I hate America” editor they have over there needs to eat once in a while.


This piece from Matt Welch reminds me of some former employees of mine who could rattle off the most arcane statistics of World Series match-ups that occurred decades before they were born but couldn’t remember what I asked them to do earlier that morning.


What is it about the Upper West Side that makes people so crabby? [Too many qualified links.]


Boy, I hope I never raise the ire of Bob Somerby of the Daily Howler. Today’s installment was almost--almost--too painful to watch. Ditto Lisa English of Ruminate This, because this piece was just, like, ouch.


There’s been an awful lot of unconstructive name-calling going on at FrontPage Magazine lately. And here I thought Ann Coulter said conservatives didn’t do that kind of thing.


So the BlogJam was just one great big rousing success, wasn’t it?


Yeah, I know, innocent until proved guilty and all that, but gee whiz, sometimes, you know?

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