The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Friday, February 28, 2003  

From the Strange People Who Bring You Andrew Sullivan

Here's a quick round up of some of ink and newsprint wasted within the last week by the Washington Times:

"Conference Stresses Family Stories," by Cheryl Wetzstein, in which appears wing-nut Maggie Gallagher, one of The Wall Street Journal's favorite lunatics:

Those who support the institution of marriage are often portrayed as "bigoted" against single persons or unwed parents, while those who support cohabiting without ceremony are presented as broad-minded and inclusive. Similar framing of the national debate occurs in discussions over whether legal marriage should be extended to homosexual [sic] persons, she said.

Also quoted in the story: the Times's own Wesley Pruden and Jong-Won Ha, "professor of mass communications and journalism at Sun Moon University in South Korea." Moon. Sun Moon. Sun Moon? Where have I heard that name before?

Then there's "Court, States Consider Same-Sex Unions," also by Wetzstein, where a reader finds this:

An even bigger audience is expected March 4, when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court hears arguments on a lawsuit many believe could affect marriage on a national basis.

The lawsuit, Goodridge v. Massachusetts Department of Public Health, is brought by seven same-sex couples who say they were unfairly denied the right to marry. They are represented by the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, the Boston law firm that won a similar lawsuit in Vermont that led to the creation of civil unions.

If the Massachusetts high court legalizes same-sex unions for its residents, it's inevitable that some couples will seek marriage recognition in other states. Homosexual [sic] activists also are expected to use a favorable Massachusetts ruling to challenge the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which restricts federal spousal benefits to married couples.

Then there's a heavily edited piece from Agence France-Presse, republished as "Mugabe 'At Home' During French Summit," which includes this text:

British homosexual [sic] and human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell filed a complaint with the French courts seeking a warrant for Mr. Mugabe's arrest for purported rights abuses. But it was dismissed yesterday.

Then, of course, there's the "Weekly Dish," contributed by homosexual and right-winger Andrew Sullivan, last seen sporting a chubbie over a snow sculpture in Cambridge, Mass.:

The question is not whether Koufax is gay or not; nor is it whether disdain of homosexuals [sic] fuels opinion in the sports world. The question is simply about whether a newspaper should run blind items trashing people's private lives, and impugning their personal integrity. End of conversation.

Maybe a kind reader will remind me why The Advocate, the homosexual weekly, prints Sullivan's spew.

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