The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Monday, May 26, 2003  

The Perfect Deck for This Timeless Game

I wonder, do kids still tease each other with the question, "Ever play '52 Pick-up'?"

The naïve respondent, typically younger than the questioner, says, "No," whereupon the instigator scatters a full deck of cards on the floor and says, with considerable amusement, "Well, now you have! Pick 'em up!"

A reader drew my attention to a new deck of cards that is tempting me to play the game again. earlier this month published "Les 52 Plus Dangereux Dignitaires Americains" -- The 52 Most Dangerous American Dignitaries -- "le jeu de cartes du régime Bush," the card-game of the Bush regime.

It's a brilliant response to the Bush administration's juvenile 52 most-wanted cards. (The text, however, is in French.)

There's one card for each of the gang: Donald Rumsfeld (the Ace of Spades), Paul Wolfowitz (the King of Spades), Condoleezza Rice (the Queen of Spades), Richard Perle (the Jack of Spades), Vice President Dick Cheney (the Ace of Diamonds), President George W. Bush (the King of Diamonds), George Tenet (the King of Clubs), Karl Rove (the King of Hearts), Victoria Clarke (the Queen of Hearts), Colin Powell (the Jack of Hearts), along with many others, and two surprise Jokers as well.

Think of it this way: It's probably the only time the Bush administration will ever be playing with a full deck.

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