Monday, July 28, 2003
Time for a Special Investigation
Remember the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq, we were told, at least by the British, Saddam Hussein was capable of launching within 45 minutes? Remember National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice’s alarmist “mushroom cloud”? Remember the yellowcake that was left out in the rain or that nobody of any expertise believed in or whatever?
Well, last I checked, the “Coalition of the Duped,” despite months of searching, hadn’t found anything of the sort in Iraq, proving themselves at least as incapable of the U.N. inspection team they so scornfully ridiculed.
(By the way, when will the excuse for not finding WMDs turn into the altogether too convenient, “We haven’t been looking very diligently, what with other priorities and all. You know, this whole guerrilla war thing about which nobody in the White House or Pentagon gave any thought.”?)
The Bush administration, together with Prime Ministers Tony “The Poodle” Blair and John “The Miniature Poodle” Howard and wide swaths of the punditocracy, would like very much for you to forget about them.
In hopes that you don’t, and more important, that lawmakers don’t drop the ball on this as gladly as the media have, there will be a news conference in Philadelphia tomorrow calling for passage of a congressional resolution to launch a special investigation into the causes -- both real and imagined, I presume -- of the ongoing war in Iraq.
The news conference is being sponsored by Win Without War, True Majority, and Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities (B.L.S.P.), among others, and will be held on the front steps of the Friends Center, 15th and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, beginning at 12:15 p.m.
Speakers include Mary Ellen McNish, executive director of the American Friends Service Committee, Michael McCally, president-elect of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Phyllis Gilbert of Peace Action of Pennsylvania, and Mark Lichty of B.L.S.P.
Everyone is invited -- you don’t have to be a let-me-roll-over-while-you-feed-me-a-sound-bite “journalist” to attend.
And bring the kids! The event includes a brief satirical skit, “Alice in DubyaLand,” featuring Alice, Mad “W” Hatter, Rum Queen, Cheney-Cheshire Cat, and the White Rabbit.
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James Martin (Jim) Capozzola launched The Rittenhouse Review in April 2002, TRR: The Lighter Side of Rittenhouse, HorowitzWatch, and Smarter Andrew Sullivan in July 2002, and Bulldogs for Kerry-Edwards in October 2004. He is also a contributing member of President Boxer.
He received the 2002 Koufax Award for Best Post> for "Al Gore and the Alpha Girls" (published November 25, 2002). Capozzola's record in the Koufax Awards includes two additional nominations for 2002 (Best Blog and Best Writing), three nominations for 2003 (Best Blog, Best Series, and Best Writing), and two finalist nominations in 2004 (Best Blog and Best Writing).
Capozzola’s experience beyond the blogosphere includes a lengthy career in financial journalism, securities analysis, and investment research, and in freelance writing, editing, ghost-writing, and writing instruction.
He earned his bachelor's degree in political science from the University at Albany and a master's in foreign affairs from the University of Virginia.
Capozzola lives in Philadelphia with his bulldog, Mildred.
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