The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Tuesday, September 09, 2003  

Having Left It a Better Place

As most of you already know, Dwight Meredith has decided to cease publication of his superb weblog, P.L.A.: A Journal of Politics, Law and Autism

This is, of course, cause for disappointment, but I was pleased to read Dwight say: “I want to make an effort at writing longer pieces requiring more research and analysis than the pace of daily posting permits. I do not know if, when or where such writings may be published.”

Dwight, allow me to say, as an obscure former editor, that you should have no trouble finding many outlets for your consistently fine work.

Dwight also writes, with undue yet typically gracious, modesty in his final post:

Thanks to the many people who have found PLA of sufficient interest to provide a link or a comment. Most of all, thanks to the people who have given me your time and attention over the last year. It was a lot of fun and I am the better for it. I hope you do not feel that I wasted your time.

Hardly. Yours will be a voice much missed, Dwight, and I join the many others in thanking you for your efforts, as well as for you support during some difficult times. You performed an invaluable service with P.L.A., one that will not soon be forgotten.

All the best, my friend.

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