The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Saturday, January 31, 2004  

Yes, But Where?

As my readers know, I am probably leaving Philadelphia within the next three weeks. But before moving I would like, just once, to do something I never before in my life have done: karaoke.

And I know exactly with whom I want to perform this undoubtedly humiliating -- for me -- experience: with my oldest friend in the world. Maybe not my “oldest” friend, but my most longstanding friend, the woman who has been been my friend, without fail, without failure, and without failing (you heard it here first), for twenty-three years.

And she can sing.

And so I hope, if we do this, she will cover for me.

The thing is, as I noted above, I’ve never “done” karaoke, anywhere, let alone with such an accomplished vocalist. And since I don’t get out much, I don’t even know where “quality” karaoke is done in Philadelphia.

So, while time is short, and I cannot and will not promise you an invitation to this bizarre event, if you have any ideas as to where the most wonderful friend in the world and I might make a fool of, well, me, please send me your suggestions.

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