The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Friday, June 25, 2004  

How Do You Get to Rittenhouse?
Search, Search, Search

It’s Friday and I posted quite a bit yesterday, so it’s time to ease up. Besides, in a short while I’ll be heading out to catch a matinee of “Fahrenheit 9/11.” Until later, then, enjoy the following searches, just of few of many that recently brought readers to The Rittenhouse Review:

sean hannity separated at birth
Separated from what? Is there another one out there?

university of georgia cheerleading uniforms

gentlemen’s club dancers photo gallery
Uh, no.

die family von gisela dulko
I believe this visitor intended to enter “familie.”

republican senator midge mcconnell of kentucky

will the real hussian please stand up
Hussein, perhaps?

florida anchorwoman on-air suicide
Wow. Worse than the great Jessica Savitch meltdown.

through the lies i learned the truth. through the insults and putdowns i learned appreciation and respect.
Is someone trying to tell me something?

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