The Rittenhouse Review

A Philadelphia Journal of Politics, Finance, Ethics, and Culture

Thursday, February 15, 2007  

Miss a Lot

You spend a week in that special hell on earth known as influenza and you miss so much. (By the way, when you hear Jean Smart and the other celebrities going on about how "It's not the common cold. It's serious.", well, they mean it.)

William Donohue, he of that fringey Catholic group in New York that nobody outside the media listens to or has even heard about, had a temper tantrum, again, though this time he at least kept his previously proudly trumpeted anti-Semitism to himself, and a couple of bloggers left the John Edwards presidential campaign.

This woman I continue for reasons unknown to call Anna Nicole Simpson, even though her name is something else, died. Pandemonium ensued.

Salon hired boy genius Glenn Greenwald as a daily blogger, and then blew that credibility by hauling Camille Paglia out of the loony bin to a collective response of, "Oh, her again?"

And Dan Rubin's Blinq went dark, as he's moving to a columnist position in the Philadelphia Inquirer's local news section. Rubin's alter-ego or whatever he is -- they swear they're not the same person -- Will Bunch of the Daily News, soldiers on at Attytood, thank God.

I'm going back to bed.

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